After the discussion on this first article about the APA, Brother Williams showed us more reliable data with greater and more diverse data. The results found that the most successful families in producing well reared adults were those on intact biological families, those being made up of a mother and father providing a healthy environment for children to learn and grow. While it was good to see more accurate data, it was also disheartening to see the faulty studies having so much more traction than more accurate data. During lecture, Brother Williams discussed the why behind these studies being supported despite the possibly harmful outcome, in the end it just came down to the fact that it's loud and popular and that's just where the world is going.
My personal opinions on the matter;
The opinions of the world can be very appealing to some, especially to those who bear the trials that come with feelings of homosexuality. We as human beings are meant to want love, a home, and a family, it's just how we're made. I can't imagine the struggle that individuals given this trial face, especially those of my own faith, but I don't think trying to change the family and push for situations where children will not be reared in a way that gives them the best chance of success is the way to go about helping anyone. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, it is my belief that, "The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity," (The Family: A Proclamation to the World). I think the way our Creator intended the family unit will result in the best outcome for children, simply because it was designed by a perfect being who made each of us knows a whole lot more than we do.
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