Saturday, January 28, 2023

Week 3

 The discussions this week focused on cultural diversity between and within families. 

Family Cultures:

    Culture was defined as beliefs, values, and traditions. These are passed on through examples given by a child's family as they grow and develop, especially those of the parents. It is up to those children to decide later in life what traditions they will bring into their own homes as they start their own families. One should be intentional about the traditions they choose to continue, in the scriptures we are advised not to continue foolish traditions, those being what is harmful to the family. In todays world with technology and social media being so prevalent, it is possible for children to build their personal culture off of what they see online. It's best that they aren't exposed to it until they are mature enough to decide for themselves what they like and don't like rather than basing themselves off worldly trends. 

    As each family has a culture, a child might find as they grow and see the world that they like parts of another culture. This would cause them to conduct themselves in a certain way that might not line up perfectly with the culture in their home. This can either result in acceptance by the family, positive feedback, or negative feedback. Most will find that their parents react negatively to change, which is I think is rather unfortunate. This leads into the relationships you keep being intentional as well as the traditions you keep. When you get married, it's not just the relationship between you and your spouse you need to worry about, though that is the most important one. It's important that the relationships outside of your spouse are healthy and beneficial to the wellbeing of your own family that you are building. 

    Economic status also plays a part in family culture, ranging from your family being biased towards someone of a  different status to money being a significant topic between spouses. In society today it's observed that people are putting off families for the sake of money, waiting until they are well set before even getting married, let alone having children. Especially being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, I am of the belief that starting a family should not be delayed for the sake of money. Have enough to provide, pay your tithing, and trust in the Lord. That isn't to say that it should be a rushed process, but it shouldn't be one to put off once you are capable of providing for yourself. The other issue that follows waiting involves a career and home, when you are older and more settled, you most likely already have a solid job and a good home. To get married would result in the possibility of giving up either one or both of those things, which could cause contention in the relationship one desires to pursue. It's hard to merge two lives that are already well established. 

    A successful marriage is not just going to fall into place. It is something that goes against nature in the sense that merging your life with another separate being will not come easily nor naturally. A truly good marriage and bond between you and your spouse isn't going to look normal to anyone outside of it. You have a unique bond, it is important to cleave unto and support one another, especially as those around you wish to share their opinions on your relationship. I've experienced some of these harsher opinions myself as I am recently engaged and my fiancé and I have a very different relationship than that of either of our parents. Mine are very open about their opinions on those differences, and at times it gets very hard to believe my own feelings and my own happiness in my relationship. As I discuss some of these things with him and attend this class, I find comfort in knowing that the relationship I have with my fiancé isn't going to be like my parent's relationship to each other. Husband and wife are meant to be one, this takes conscious work and effort as it isn't in human nature to submit wholly to another person. Your work and effort does not just stop because you are legally bound together, you need to be emotionally bound to each other as well. That does not mean you will be perfect, both parties will fall short often, and that will take a lot of forgiveness. A lot of effort to push through even when life gets hard. As you get through trials with your spouse, your children will see that bond and that effort. They will know that it is good to rely on their spouse when the time comes, and they will understand how in a way. We set the example for our children through our family culture at home, it is important to show the best example you can. 

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Week 12

 This week we discussed divorce and remarriage.  Causes of Divorce     The causes of divorce can vary at times, but there are definitely mor...